Parenting Resources
Books for Parents
The Authority on Child Safety: How to talk to your kids about their personal safety without scaring them by Gary Martin Hays and Adam Weart
Body Safety Education: A parents’ guide to protecting kids from sexual abuse by Jayneen Sanders
Building Resilience in Children and Teens: Giving Kids Roots and Wings by Kenneth R. Ginsburg
But how’d I get in there in the first place? Talking to your young child about sex by Deborah M. Roffman
The Boogeyman Exists; And He’s In Your Child’s Back Pocket: Internet Safety Tips For Keeping Your Children Safe Online, Smartphone Safety, Social Media Safety, and Gaming Safety by Jesse Weinberger
The Bully Vaccine: How to Inoculate Yourself Against Bullies and Other Petty People by Jennifer Hancock
The Circle of Safety: Giving Children a Safe Place to Share Their Secrets by Sharon Sanchez
Different Dream Parenting: A Practical Guide to Raising a Child with Special Needs by Jolene Philo
From diapers to dating: A parent’s guide to raising sexually healthy children– from infancy to middle school by Debra W. Haffner
The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker
Internet Safety for Children – A Parent’s Practical Guide to Keeping their Children Safe Online by Mark Peesel
The new speaking of sex: What your children need to know and when they need to know it by Kelowna Canada
Off Limits: A Parent’s Guide to Keeping Kids Safe from Sexual Abuse by Sandy K. Wurtele and Feather Berkower
Parenting with PTSD: the impact of childhood abuse on parenting by Joyelle Brandt and Dawn Daum
Protect Your Kids! The Simple Keys to Children’s Safety and Survival by Steve Kovacs
Protecting the Gift by Gavin de Becker
Sex and sensibility: The thinking parent’s guide to talking sense about sex by Deborah M. Roffman
The Sex-Wise Parent: The Parent’s Guide to Protecting Your Child, Strengthening Your Family, and Talking to Kids About Sex, Abuse, and Bullying by Janet Rosenzweig
Teaching Children with Down Syndrome about their Bodies, Boundaries, and Sexuality: A Guide for Parents and Professionals by Terri Couwenhoven
Trauma-Proofing Your Kids by Peter A. Levine and Maggie Kline
Trauma Through a Child’s Eyes by Peter A. Levine and Maggie Kline
The Well-Armored Child: A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Sexual Abuse by Joelle Casteix
The Well-Armored Teen: Easy Tools Protect Your Teen and Tween From Sexual Abuse, Bullying, and Exploitation by Joelle Casteix
Wounded Children, Healing Homes: How Traumatized Children Impact Adoptive and Foster Families by Jayne Schooler
Books for Parents When Your Child Has Been Victimized
The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris
Does My Child Have PTSD? What to Do When Your Child Is Hurting from the Inside Out by Jolene Philo, Francie Wyck, et al.
The Everything Parent’s Guide to Dealing with Bullies: From playground teasing to cyberbullying, all you need to ensure your child’s safety and happiness by Deborah Carpenter
Healing Days: A Guide for Kids Who Have Experienced Trauma by Susan Farber Straus
Victims No Longer: The Classic Guide for Men Recovering from Sexual Child Abuse by Mike Lew
What Parents Need to Know About Sibling Abuse: Breaking the Cycle of Violence by Vernon R. Wiehe
Books for Kids
A Terrible Thing Happened by Margaret. M. Holmes
Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids by Carol McCloud and David Messing Some Secrets Should Not Be Kept
It’s Not the Stork! A Book About Girls, Boys, Babies, Bodies, Families and Friends by Robie H. Harris and Michael Emberley
Kidpower Safety Comics: An Introduction to “People Safety” for Younger Children Ages 3-10 and Their Adults by Irene van der Zande and Kidpower International
Let’s Talk about Body Boundaries, Consent & Respect by Jayneen Sanders.
My Body is Special and Private by Adrianne Simeone and Bobby Davison
Say “NO!” and TELL!, Daxton’s Health Education Approach to Personal Safety for Kids Learning at Home, School and Youth Organizations, by Kimberly Perry
Say “NO!” and TELL!, Maisie’s Health Education Approach to Personal Safety for Kids Learning at Home, School and Youth Organizations, by Kimberly Perry
Training Workbook: Say “NO!” and TELL!, A Health Education Approach to Training Grown-ups and Professionals in Personal Safety for Kids Learning at Schools, Sports and Youth Organizations, by Kimberly Perry
Some Secrets Should Never be Kept by Jayneen Sanders.
The care & keeping of you: The body book for girls by Valorie Schaefer
What’s Happening in Court: An Activity Book for Children Who Are Going to Court in Wisconsin
Where did I come from? For ages 4–8 by Peter Mayle
Advocacy Organizations If you know or suspect that a child is being or has been sexually abused, please call the Childhelp® National Child Abuse Hotline at 1.800.4.A.CHILD (1.800.422.4453)
Child Welfare Information Gateway (800) 394-3366
Male Survivor
Prevent Child Abuse America (312) 663-3520
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network
Sexuality Resource Center for Parents
- Answering Questions about Sex and Sexuality for Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities:
- For Parents of Children with Physical Disabilities:
- Human Sexuality: What Children Need to Know and When They Need to Know It:
Websites & Online Articles
School Bus Bullying Prevention
18 Social Media Apps & Sites Kids Are Using Right Now
Australian Childhood Foundation
Bravehearts (AU)
Canadian National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-363-9010
Center for Parent Information and Resources
Centers Against Sexual Assault (AU)
Child Wise (AU)
Cyber Tip Line and 800-843-5678. Accepts leads regarding Internet criminal activity which are forwarded to law enforcement for review. Operated by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and FBI and other state and local law enforcement agencies.
Darkness to Light. This website provides a great amount of info on child safety statistics and topics. One of the most informative sites I’ve found.
Different Dream Parenting. (Type “PTSD” in the search box)
How to Run a Background Check on a Babysitter
Kidpower prepares people of all ages, abilities, and walks of life with training, resources, and skills to prevent and stop bullying, abuse, kidnapping, prejudice, and sexual assault.
The Mama Bear Affect has great articles on a variety of topics related to child sexual abuse.
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. This national child abuse prevention and advocacy organization provides resources and publications that equip parents and guardians to take informed protective steps against child sexual exploitation.
National Child Traumatic Stress Network
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (UK)
National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-3737-888 (Text “Be Free” 233733)
National Youth Talk Line: 800-246-7743
The Ophelia Project, including CASS (Creating a Safe School) anti-bullying program.
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. For a seriously comprehensive list of resources, visit
Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States’ (SIECUS) Families Are Talking and
Should You Give Your Kid a Phone?
Stop Cyber Bullying. Valuable info for parents, youth, schools, and law enforcement on how to take action to prevent or intervene in cyberbullying.
Stop It Now. This site contains tons of great information for parents, including this article on discussing sex and sexuality with children with disabilities.
Stop It Now tip sheet on how to talk to your child about sexual abuse.
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. The nation’s largest support group network for men and women sexually abused in religious and institutional settings.
Title IX – Office of Civil Rights, Department of Education
U.S. Child Welfare Information Gateway to view mandatory reporting laws in your state.
U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights
Resources for Children with Disabilities
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Autism Society: Puberty and Children on the Autism Spectrum
Bullying and Children and Youth with Disabilities and Special Health Needs Tip Sheet – PDF
Communities Against Violence Network, which advocates for crime victims with disabilities.
Darkness to Light offers a 24 hour hotline for survivors of child sexual abuse at 866-FOR-LIGHT. They also offer educational and crisis resources and information about legislation that helps victims.
Deaf Abused Women’s Network for legal, medical, system advocacy, and survivor support services. 855-812-1001 (Video Phone) Federal government website for comprehensive information on disability programs and services in communities nationwide,
Hands and Voices for Deaf Children
National Disability Rights Network can investigate reports of abuse and neglect toward people with disabilities and offer resources and support to them.
National Organization on Disability offers resources and information for people with disabilities
Parent to Parent USA matches parents with a buddy parent who has a child with the same disability.
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. People who are deaf or hard of hearing can access help via video phone by calling 855-812-1001 during business normal business hours (Pacific Standard Time).
University of Washington’s National Resources for Parents of Children and Youth with Disabilities
U.S. Dept. of Education Office for Civil Rights: 800-421-3481
U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs
U.S. Dept. of Justice National Sex Offender Public Website where you can look up sex offenders in every US state and territory.
The National Center for Victims of Crime. Advocates for stronger rights and services for crime victims; provides education, training and evaluation; and serves as a trusted source of current information on victims’ issues.
Survivor Resources
Below is a list of great resources that can help you learn more about sexual assault and what to do if you’re victimized, as well as support services that are available to you. This is not a comprehensive list; there are literally thousands of support networks that operate at the local, campus, state, and national levels. A simple Internet search will help you find services in your local area.
The two best resources to check out first are the National Sexual Violence Resource Center ( and RAINN, the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network ( Both contain links to other organizations that can support you. RAINN also has a toll-free number [800-656-HOPE (4673)] and access to an online chat hotline at
American Association of University Women (
Bureau of Justice Statistics (
Crisis resources by state (
Definitions of rape and rape terms (
End Rape on Campus (
Faculty Against Rape (
Greeks Against Sexual Assault (
It Gets Better Project (
Know Your IX (
Lambda (
National Alliance to End Sexual Violence (
National LGBTQ Taskforce – Be You (
National Organization of Women (
National Sexual Violence Resource Center (
National Student Coalition Against Rape (
National Women’s Law Center ( (
Not Alone (
Not on Our Grounds (UVA) (
One in Four (
Planned Parenthood (
Rainbow Youth Hotline [877/LGBT-YTH (542-8984)]
Raliance Program – National Sexual Violence Resource Center (
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (
Students Active for Ending Rape (
Summary of DOJ Statute of Limitations by State (
Surv Justice – Attorney Advocacy Firm (
Survivor Project (
Title IX – Office of Civil Rights, Department of Education
U.S. Department of Justice (
Ultra Violet (
Victim Rights Law Center (