My Mission
Frederick Douglass once said, and I’m paraphrasing here, “It’s easier to raise strong kids than to repair broken adults.”
To that end, my mission is to empower parents to raise new generations of safe, savvy, confident kids who are physically safe and emotionally healthy and secure.
I fervently believe that the information I share will help families break the cycle of violence that plagues our society.
Of course, we can’t stop all crime for all time because, well, shit happens that we can’t control. But we—you and I—can give your child the best possible chance of avoiding victimization and living a happy, violence-free life.
Here’s how we’re going to do it…
Working Together to “Predator-Proof” Your Child
If you want to transform your ninja-wannabe into a little badass who can protect and defend himself in dangerous situations, you’ve come to the right place.
Here’s what to do:
- Parent up by reading one of my awesome bestselling books, Badass Parenting: An Irreverent Guide to Raising Safe, Savvy, Confident Kids or Heroic Parenting: An Essential Guide to Raising Safe, Savvy, Confident Kids.
The content of the books is the same, but Badass Parenting is edgier and contains totally inappropriate language, while Heroic Parenting is PG-rated. (Don’t worry; while the profanity is redacted, the essential wisdom is not!) Both books help parents teach their younger children how to avoid predators and handle themselves in dangerous situations ranging from bullying and digital dangers to sexual abuse and kidnapping.
After reading whichever book you choose, you’ll feel more knowledgeable and confident in your ability to talk candidly with your child at her age and maturity level without scaring her to death. Snarky, funny, and irreverent, these entertaining books (with TONS of downloadable bonus content!) are the new bible for parents looking to raise safe, savvy, confident kids.
- Take it to the next level by joining like-minded parents for my “100 Days, 100 Ways to Predator-Proof Your Child” group coaching program. This is your chance to share your unique issues, questions, and concerns and get direct feedback and advice from me and your peers. Contact me for more information and pricing options.
- Take it to the MAX by working with me one-on-one! Your child is a super special little human with unique issues and challenges. Let’s work together to ensure you’re getting what YOU need to ensure he’s getting what HE needs to unleash his inner badass so he stays safe.
- I’m a certified professional coach and serve a VERY limited number of one-on-one clients who want special attention and discretion as they work to protect their children. When you work with me individually, my attention is focused solely on you and your child and what it takes to get FAST results.
- Take me home with you! I offer a limited number of in-home “Inner Taz” self-defense training days for my most dedicated clients. When you hire me for the day, I’ll teach your child—and you!—my signature “Inner Taz” self-defense moves you can both use to fight off predators in the event of an attack or abduction attempt. I’ll also spend time talking with your child about the most essential body safety skills to transform him into any predator’s worst nightmare.
- Check out my Cool Sh*t page. This page features books that have inspired, comforted, educated, and/or entertained me over the years. You’ll also find cool and creative parenting hacks you can use to manage your kids and keep your sanity.
- Steal my FREEBIES! I provide you with super important FREE articles and information you need to ensure your child’s safety and happiness.
- Find more resources. Here you’ll learn about organizations that can help you with a variety of challenges. If you or someone you care about has experienced any form of violence or abuse, you’ll definitely want to check out this page.
I genuinely wish to be of service to you. Just let me know what you need and if I can’t help you, I’ll find someone who can.