Showing: 21 - 25 of 25 RESULTS
Child Safety

The Awful, Horrible, Maybe Not Quite as Terrifying as You Thought Facts

When writing my book, Badass Parenting, I struggled mightily with how to present the facts about childhood danger without scaring you so badly that you’d put the book down and never touch it again. It’s hard to discuss subjects as harrowing as sexual abuse, bullying, and abduction without dragging you and your child into a …

Love and Peace

Surviving Turkey Day: How to Rise Above the Family Drama & Enjoy a Peaceful Thanksgiving

People are making themselves literally sick over politics and current events, with folks from all sides spewing toxic emotional content and blaming each other. This is hard enough to deal with on an average day, but at Thanksgiving, a time to feel grateful for all the bounty in our lives, it can be especially distressing …